
Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Future Mayor

(Left to Right) Laurie, Shane, Me, Susan, Wendy, Linda and Ron

Friday night was one of our Meet Ups with long time friends from my School years.
As we were having our usual good time at the LaPiazza restaurant in my hometown of Lititz, which has a very nice bar/sports bar area to the rear of the restaurant, we quickly found ourselves in the usual conversation of sharing what has been going on in our lives.

I was totally amazed at how quickly the bar area filled with locals. Many people I have not seen in a very long time. And one person in particular, was the Town Fire Chief, Ron who happened to be a school friend and member of our class. Ron was having dinner in the dining area with other local Fireman and Fireman visiting from Washington, D.C. who were in the area for a weekend of intense training with the local fire company. When Ron learned of our little group being there, he stopped back to say hi. Our conversation with Ron was like we had just left WHS yesterday. During our conversation, we learned Ron is running for Mayor of our hometown of Lititz. You can imagine how excited we all were for Ron learning of his newest endeavor. The Mayor of Lititz has always been a very highly respected position and supported by the community. Ron would serve well in the position as Mayor, he has been a very active and supportive citizen of Lititz, giving of his time and talents volunteering countless hours in a community that counts on those, like Ron to serve so the community continues to grow and at the same time maintain the wholesomeness of a small and quaint town settled somewhere in Pennsylvania...
So, Without hesitation we voiced our support to Ron and offered our assistance in any way to help get the votes needed for Ron to be the next Mayor Of Lititz, PA
What a great time with those awesome friends of mine..!!

Have a great week, my dear blogger friends!

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